Your employees are your biggest asset, and it is to everyone’s benefit that their good health is maintained.

Pre-employment health screening

Use of our questionnaire will usually be sufficient to enable fitness for work to be established. Where there is any doubt, we can carry out selective screening and examination.

Our questionnaire can help to prevent you from being held responsible for a pre-existing condition.

For example, we can establish whether prospective secretarial staff have a previous history of keyboard-related upper limb problems, and whether those involved in handing tasks have a predisposition to injury.

Occupational health screening of existing staff

Occupational health screening may be required by specific regulations, but often there is no obligation to do so. However, screening can be offered as a staff benefit, and may help improve morale.

Another advantage of health screening is that signs of illness and disease may be detected at an early stage, possibly saving extended sickness absence later on.

 Management of work-related ill health

Where there is any sort of health deterioration thought to be caused by work, our advisors can fully investigate. We will help you to discover the validity of the allegation and recommend appropriate action. This will assist with the defence of any future civil claims.

Stress auditing

Interest in occupational stress is on the increase, partly because of the fear of large awards being made to successful claimants. There is recognition that the pressures of a modern day work environment can affect health and reduce efficiency. Whatever your motivation, we can assist by carrying out a stress audit of your workforce.

As a proactive management measure we can also undertake an occupational stress audit of specific roles, or of your whole organisation. This will identify common stressors within each job function so that collective measures can be prioritised and devised. .

Ill-health absence assessments

Our qualified occupational health advisor can visit your absent employee and evaluate the prospects for a return to work. Where appropriate, and subject to obtaining the patient’s consent, we can liaise with doctors or specialists already dealing with your employee’s case. This can provide an authoritative and independent interpretation of when a return to work is likely.

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